Dog Biting Top of Paws

Dog with issue of biting top of paws caused by chemicals in shampoo

One of the biggest concerns I’ve often heard from dog owners why dog biting top of paws happens. Dog owners what to know what it the cause and what can be done about it. While it can be due to various reasons, top of paw biting may be influenced by skin irritations caused by certain ingredients in dog shampoos. Let’s explore which ingredients in shampoos can be initiating this behavior, the benefits of natural ingredients over chemical-based shampoos. We will also explore other triggers that may cause this behavior.

Ingredients in Dog Shampoos That May Cause Dog Biting Top of Paws

Experts have discovered that certain ingredients commonly found in dog shampoos can potentially irritate a dog’s sensitive skin. This is the #1 reason why dog biting top of paws occurs with food allergies a close second. Some of the cuprites in pet shampoos include:

  • Parabens: Parabens are preservatives used in shampoos to extend their shelf life. However, they can cause skin irritation and may be linked to hormone disruption in both humans and pets.
  • Sulfates: Sulfates are responsible for creating a foamy lather in shampoos, but they can strip the natural oils from a dog’s skin, leading to dryness and irritation.
  • Artificial Fragrances: Artificial fragrances can be harsh on a dog’s sensitive nose and skin, causing allergic reactions and skin irritation.
  • Alcohol: Alcohol-based ingredients can dry out a dog’s skin, leading to itching and discomfort

What does the FDA say about shampoo ingredients?

The FDA is responsible for regulating pet products, including shampoos. While they have guidelines in place for pet products, including shampoos, they do not specifically approve individual products or their ingredients. So, it’s essential for you as a pet owner to read product labels and avoid shampoos containing potentially harmful ingredients.

Illnesses caused by chemical-based shampoos

There have been reported cases of pets experiencing adverse reactions to chemical-based shampoos. These reactions can range from mild skin irritation to more severe allergic reactions. In some instances, exposure to certain harmful chemicals over time could contribute to long-term health issues in pets. Dogs biting tops of paws is just one common issue caused by chemical-based products produced for our furbabies.

Natural ingredients: A safer alternative

Choosing dog shampoos with natural ingredients can be beneficial for several reasons:

Gentle on the Skin: Natural ingredients are generally milder and less likely to cause irritation or allergic reactions. Dogs biting top of paws is often caused by harsh ingredients that are irritating the sensitive areas around that area.

Free from Harmful Chemicals: Natural shampoos are often free from sulfates, parabens, and artificial fragrances, reducing the risk of skin issues and long-term health concerns.

Soothing Properties: Some natural ingredients, such as aloe vera and oatmeal, have soothing properties that can help alleviate skin irritation and itching.

Why Natural Ingredients in Dog Shampoos Are a Better Choice

Choosing dog shampoos with natural ingredients is beneficial for several reasons:

  • Gentle on the Skin: Natural ingredients are generally milder and less likely to cause irritation or allergic reactions.
  • Free from Harmful Chemicals: Natural shampoos are often free from sulfates, parabens, and artificial fragrances, reducing the risk of skin issues and long-term health concerns.
  • Soothing Properties: Some natural ingredients, such as aloe vera and oatmeal, have soothing properties that can help alleviate skin irritation and itching.

Other Causes of Dogs Biting Top of Paws

  1. Allergies: Just like humans, dogs can suffer from allergies. Environmental allergens, such as pollen, dust mites, or mold, can lead to itchy paws, prompting them to bite or lick the area for relief.
  2. Fleas and Parasites: Flea bites can cause intense itching and discomfort for dogs, leading them to bite or scratch the affected areas, including their paws.

Flea bites may be more than an itchy annoyance to some dogs and cats. They can cause flea allergy dermatitis — an allergic reaction to proteins in flea saliva. And a pet’s constant scratching can cause permanent hair loss or other skin problems. In severe infestations, fleas feasting on your pet’s blood can lead to anemia and, in rare cases, death.

  1. Anxiety and Stress: Dogs may resort to self-grooming, such as biting their paws, as a coping mechanism for anxiety or stress. Dog anxiety can be triggered by various factors, and each dog may respond differently to different stressors. Some common causes of dog anxiety include:
dog biting top of paws may be cause by separation anxiety

    #2 Food Allergies

    Can food allergies contribute to paw biting?

    Food allergies can also contribute to dog biting top of paws. When a dog ingests a food they are allergic to, it can trigger an immune response that manifests in various ways, including skin itchiness and inflammation. Biting or licking the paws can be a sign of this discomfort.

    Steps to Alleviating Dog Biting Top of Paws

    Understanding what makes dogs bites the top of their paws is essential in providing them with the right care and treatment. The first, easiest and least expensive step is choosing natural dog shampoos with gentle ingredients can help alleviate skin irritation and ensure a healthier pet and narrow down if this is the cause. While the FDA provides guidelines for pet products, it is your responsibility to choose safe and suitable products for your furry companion. The second step, which is a little more drastic, is to change what you are feeding your dog. If paw biting still persists, a trip to the veterinarian may be necessary. You’ll most likely get referred to an allergy/dermatologist specialist to identify potential allergies or other underlying health issues.

    Case of Elimination

    This article is meant to make simple changes so you can eliminate the possible causes of dog biting top of paws without the expense of a full-panel alergy test. In many instances, we have found that something as simple as changing shampoos or leaving poultry out of the diet is the easiest and fastest cure so your pet doesn’t have to suffer from from chewing on the tops of his paws. As with many problems we pet owners face, eliminating products, diets and behavior is often required to keep our pets happy and healthy.

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