Health Center

Welcome to PawPurity’s Pet Health Center where you can find in-depth news and advice on everything concerning pet care. Our articles are written by experts within the pet product industry, veterinarians, herbalists, herbologists, pet rescue experts and others that have a deep understanding and concern for the health of dogs and cats.

Our goal is to make this a one-stop resource you can trust to get honest and current information that is not based on opinion, but rather fact. This is why experts are always invited to write articles, make suggestions for caring for pets that is not hyperbole, and helping pet owners understand the hows and whys of various skin, paw, coat, and ear issues and diseases.


If you are an expert pet care provider, we want to hear from you. Please email us at Article submissions of authoritative value will be considered.


We will be covering a variety of topics pertaining to skin, coat, nose and paw care. If you have a particular subject you would like us to cover, please email us at for consideration.