
Welcome to our blog. Our goal is to provide you with as much information as possible about natural products and unusually special products for your pets. Our focus will be on skin, coat and paw care. We also will discuss flea, tick and mosquito repellants, as some on the market may be extremely dangerous to your pets.

We hope you participate and let us know what you want to learn about. If you have ideas you would like us to research and write about, please let us know. The PawPurity team has three rescues of our own and know how important these family members are. Let’s work together to discover what’s best for them.

Wet canine washed with organic dog grooming products
Dog Health, Pet Health & Skin, Skin, Coat & Paw Care

The Benefits of Organic Dog Grooming Products

by Lisa Porter on Aug 09 2023

In recent years, the trend towards using natural and organic products has gained momentum, extending to our pets as well. Just like humans, dogs can also experience skin sensitivities and allergies from harsh chemicals present in conventional grooming products. Organic grooming products are formulated with gentle, plant-based ingredients that help maintain your dog’s coat and skin health without the risk of harmful side effects. Be wary of labels though because many manufacturers list their products as natural, but when you read the ingredients, only one or two of the ingredients is actualy organic.

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Flea & Tick Protection

Is Tick Spray Bad for Dogs

by Lisa Porter on Jul 31 2023

Ticks are notorious parasites that can wreak havoc on our furry family members, causing discomfort and transmitting various diseases. Making matters worse, some tick sprays used to fight them can be bad for dogs. While not all chemically-derived sprays are bad, it is crucial to be aware of the potential dangers associated with tick sprays, spot-on treatments, and collars. In this article, we will explore case studies and scientific research that sheds light on the harmful effects of certain tick treatments, ranging from adverse reactions to severe toxicity and even fatalities in dogs. You’ll explore, the good, the bad and the ugly.

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Dog with issue of biting top of paws caused by chemicals in shampoo
Dog Health, Pet Health & Skin

Dog Biting Top of Paws

by Lisa Porter on Jul 30 2023

One of the biggest concerns I’ve often heard from dog owners why dog biting top of paws happens. Dog owners what to know what it the cause and what can be done about it. While it can be due to various reasons, top of paw biting may be influenced by skin irritations caused by certain ingredients in dog shampoos. Let’s explore which ingredients in shampoos can be initiating this behavior, the benefits of natural ingredients over chemical-based shampoos. We will also explore other triggers that may cause this behavior.

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Dog scratching from tick bites.
Flea & Tick Protection

Natural Tick Sprays: Harness The Power of Nature

by Lisa Porter on Jul 25 2023

In recent times, the demand for chemical-free natural tick prevention has surged, and this trend has extended to insect repellent sprays. Among the many pests that threaten our outdoor adventures, ticks have gained notoriety because of their ability to transmit diseases. In response to the growing concern for harmful chemicals in traditional insect repellents, researchers have turned to nature’s own remedies to craft 100% natural tick sprays. Let’s take a look at what PawPurity includes the following ingredients in its flea and tick spray and spray and how each component contributes to its effectiveness.

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Dog left in car in the summer heat
Dog Health

Protect Your Dog From Summer Heat

by Lisa Porter on Jul 23 2023

Dogs are sensitive to heat and can easily suffer from heat-related illnesses, especially during the summer months. As a responsible pet owner, it’s crucial to take certain precautions to keep your furry friend safe and comfortable during hot weather. Here are some tips to help your dog cope with summer heat:

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Using a natural shampoo for cats gives your pet the best chance to keep fungus, bacteria and pests away.
Cat Health & Care

Benefits of a Natural Shampoo For Cats

by Lisa Porter on Jul 19 2023

Cats are notorious for their self-grooming habits, spending a significant part of their day meticulously cleaning themselves. While their grooming skills are impressive, there are times when our feline friends might need a little extra help in the form of a bath. Using a natural shampoo specifically designed for cats can provide numerous benefits, not only for their hygiene but also for their overall health and well-being. In this blog, we will explore why cats need baths and how often, as well as the advantages of using natural shampoo for your furry companions.

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Woman taking a tick off her dog which could have been prevented by using tick sprays for dogs
Flea & Tick Protection, Uncategorized

Are Tick Sprays Safe For Dogs

by Lisa Porter on Jul 18 2023

Tick sprays can be safe for dogs if used according to the manufacturer’s instructions. However, it’s essential to choose a tick spray specifically formulated or indicates on the label that it is safe for dogs, as some sprays intended for other animals or humans may contain ingredients that can be toxic to our best friends. Prevention is key, as diseases from ticks may be dangerous to your dog.

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A dog standing on a street during hot summer months and the paw pads are burning from the extreme temperature
Dog Health, Skin, Coat & Paw Care

Protecting Dog Paw Pads In Summer Heat

by Lisa Porter on Jul 10 2023

Our furry family member’s well-being, and one often overlooked area is the paws. Protecting dog paw pads in summer heat is serious. These unique and sensitive parts of a dog’s body play a vital role in their overall health and mobility. Let’s delve into the importance of how to care for a dog’s paw pads, what temperatures are safe for walking, the dangers of extreme temperatures, the effects of hot surfaces, and how to care for dog paw pads in general.

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Little girl sits with her dog included in a blog about tick prevention
Flea & Tick Protection, Uncategorized

Tick Protection

by Lisa Porter on Jul 07 2023

Tick protection is essential during warmer temperatures. Tick bites can be dangerous to dogs and cats due to the potential transmission of diseases. They can carry and transmit dangerous pathogens such as Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, and babesiosis. These diseases can cause a range of symptoms, including fever, lethargy, joint pain, loss of appetite, and more severe complications if left untreated. Protecting your pets from tick bites is crucial to their overall health and well-being. This means using everything in your tool box to keep the little buggers from latching onto your furbaby. Natural tick shampoos and sprays, lyme disease vaccinations and good housekeeping are essential. Here are some ideas you can follow to for ultimate tick protection.

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