Flea & Tick Protection

Flea & Tick Protection, Skin, Coat & Paw Care

Do Ticks Survive in Winter?

by Lisa Porter on Nov 08 2022

Now that winter is settling in, everyone is probably wondering if ticks are still a threat. Are they going to go away until next spring? Can we relax now that the colder weather is here? In this blog post, we’ll explore whether or not ticks survive in winter and offer tips on protecting your pets from these pesky critters. Read on to learn more!

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Flea & Tick Protection

Safe Flea Shampoo For Kittens

by Lisa Porter on Oct 24 2022

Fleas are a common problem for both cats and dogs. Kittens, in particular, can be super susceptible to flea infestations as they have not yet built up the immunity that older cats have. Flea shampoos are one way to deal with a flea infestation by killing and repelling them. However, it is essential to use a safe shampoo that will not harm your furbaby and these are hard to find. This blog post will discuss the best flea shampoos for kittens and how to use them safely.

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Flea & Tick Protection

What Flea Spray is Safe for Pets

by Lisa Porter on Oct 10 2022

Fleas, those pesky little bloodsuckers, can make your pet’s life miserable, and they are the bane of many an owner’s existence. Luckily, there are several safe flea spray products that help fight these unwanted guests before they become a problem that needs to be dealt with by chemicals or even more drastic measures like flea collars or dips.

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Flea & Tick Protection

View now! Chemical-free flea & tick repellents

by Lisa Porter on Jul 19 2020

Bathing your dog regularly with a shampoo that contains a balanced formula of natural flea and tick repellents and following up with a plant- and oil-based repellent spray is the best way to kill fleas on dogs and keep them from coming back.

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