Lisa Porter

Skin, Coat & Paw Care

How to Keep Your Pets Safe on Halloween

by Lisa Porter on Oct 18 2022

It’s that time of the year again when we all will come together to celebrate Halloween! For pet owners, this can be a fun but also tricky time. Pets can get easily spooked by the noise and costumes, so it’s essential to take some precautions to keep them safe.

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Tear Stain Removal

How to Get Rid of Tear Stains on Persian Cats

by Lisa Porter on Oct 17 2022

If you’re the owner of a Persian cat, you’re probably well aware of the struggle to keep their fur clean and free of tear stains. While those big, beautiful eyes make Persian cats so special, they can also be a source of frustration when it comes to keeping them looking their best.

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Skin, Coat & Paw Care

How to Help Your Dog’s Paws

by Lisa Porter on Oct 15 2022

If you’re like most dog parents, your pet’s paws are most likely something you are concerned about, especially in extreme temperatures. This blog post will focus on how to help your dog’s paws stay in primo condition when they are scratchy, chafed, torn or cracked. We’ve also listed some tips to protect your dog’s paws from future injury. From the best way to clean them to the types of products that can keep them protected

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Flea & Tick Protection

What Flea Spray is Safe for Pets

by Lisa Porter on Oct 10 2022

Fleas, those pesky little bloodsuckers, can make your pet’s life miserable, and they are the bane of many an owner’s existence. Luckily, there are several safe flea spray products that help fight these unwanted guests before they become a problem that needs to be dealt with by chemicals or even more drastic measures like flea collars or dips.

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Skin, Coat & Paw Care

News Update: 1,4 Dioxane in Pet Shampoos Found to Be Harmful

by Lisa Porter on Oct 09 2022

Numerous states are enacting laws to address the presence of 1,4-dioxane in consumer products such as pet and human shampoos and soaps, as this byproduct, which is caused by chemical reactions in manufacturing, is linked to cancer. California, Oregon, Vermont, Washington, New York are among the first to focus on the presence of such potentially harmful chemicals in consumer products

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Cat Health & Care, Skin, Coat & Paw Care

What Shampoo is Safe to Use on Cats?

by Lisa Porter on Oct 05 2022

You may think that any shampoo would be safe when it comes to cleaning your cat, but that’s not the case. Different shampoos have different pH levels, which can impact a cat’s skin. They also may have ingredients that irritate your furbabies skin. This is why it’s essential to use a shampoo specifically designed for cats. In this article, we’ll share with you what ingredients in shampoos are safe to use on your feline friend and what are not. So, let’s get started.

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Skin, Coat & Paw Care

Flea & Tick Shampoo for Dogs With Sensitive Skin

by Lisa Porter on Oct 01 2022

You may wonder what kind of flea shampoo to use if your dog has highly sensitive skin. There are a few things to keep in mind when making your decision. First, you want to ensure that the shampoo is free of harsh chemicals, pesticides, and artificial fragrances. Second, you’ll want to choose a shampoo designed specifically formulated to be safe for those with sensitivities. And last but not least, you also don’t want to use a shampoo that is not strong enough to protect against fleas and ticks.

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Skin, Coat & Paw Care

Celebrate National Puppy Mill Survivor Day – Find Out What it is All About

by Lisa Porter on Sep 30 2022

In today’s society, it is easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day activities and forget about the bigger picture. That is why it is essential to take a step back and remember what is truly important. National Puppy Mill Survivor Day is all about doing just that. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about puppy mills and the dogs affected by them. It is a day to celebrate the survivors and educate others about these mills’ horrors.

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