Which is the Best Dog Shampoo for Skin Conditions

If you are a dog parent, it’s most likely important to you that your dog’s skin and coat stay healthy, clean and shiny. Many shampoos can keep the coat shiny and clean, but is it the best product for keeping his skin healthy? This makes finding a shampoo that does both a priority.  

Importance of Choosing the Right Shampoo for Your Pup!

Every year, pet parents across the country spend millions of dollars on shampoos, conditioners and other grooming products for their furry friends. But with so many products on the market, and most with confusing and indiscernible labels, it’s challenging to know which ones are good and which to avoid. Think about how many shampoos you’ve tried. My guess is dozens.

This post will address your major concerns regarding dog shampoos, as many known brands have ingredients that are a big NO.

What Makes a Perfect Dog Shampoo?

Dogs are susceptible to various skin conditions that can cause itchiness, redness, and irritation. While many shampoos on the market claim to be effective for treating these conditions, the jury is still out on which truly are healthy for your dog’s skin and coat since the FDA does not require complete disclosure. The product labeling on the brands sold in big-box stores leaves dog owners left hanging about their safety. For this reason, PawPurity developed its own line of 100% natural and organic shampoos, which solely contain plants, minerals, essential oils and in the Healing Paw Conditioner, grass-fed tallow. That’s it!

However, this article is not about steering you in any direction, but instead helping you make an informed decision on which is the best dog shampoo for your dog’s coat and skin.

Properties to Look for in a Good Quality Shampoo

  1. Designed for your dog’s sensitive skin conditions

Make sure the shampoo is gentle and doesn’t have ingredients that can irritate your pup’s skin. Unfortunately, there are a lot of shampoos out there that don’t take into consideration how many dogs have sensitive skin or allergies. Avoid harsh chemicals at all costs. Remember, even though perfumes and artificial fragrances smell good, most are chemicals made from petroleum and are considered by many experts to be toxic.

  1. Gentle & Hypoallergenic Makes for the Best Dog Shampoo for Skin Conditions

Dogs with sensitive skin can often have allergic reactions to certain ingredients in shampoos, so you want to ensure the formula you choose is gentle and won’t cause further irritation. Choose a dog shampoo that is gentle and has mostly hypoallergenic and natural ingredients.

Here are a few ingredients to avoid when possible as they can cause allergic relations:

  • Ammonium Laureth Sulfate
  • Sodium Coco Sulfate
  • TEA Lauryl Sulfate
  • MEA Lauryl Sulfate
  • Cocamidopropyl betaine
  1. Nourishing & Soothing

Skin is a dog’s largest organ. It needs ingredients that soothe, condition and nourish the skin. You may have to do some homework to choose a dog shampoo that does not have toxins, harsh chemicals or preservatives that could harm your pet. Chemical preservatives are often used because they are cheap and easy to obtain. If you are looking for a flea or tick shampoo, make sure there are no pesticides. Chances are, the cheaper the shampoo, the less pure the ingredients. Rule of thumb; if you can’t pronounce it, either look it up to make sure it’s safe or avoid using it on your pooch.

Go for Wholesome Natural Ingredients!

Shampoos you may consider using on dogs with sensitive skin should be formulated using at least five of following. Please keep in mind, that most of these should NOT be used directly on the skin by themselves. Applying essential oils directly on a dog’s skin is an absolute NO.

  • Aloe vera – Relieves itching
  • Coconut oil – Is an antifungal, however, too much of this ingredient can dry your pet’s skin
  • Calendula – Has antimicrobial properties
  • Glycerine – A natural conditioner
  • Apple cider vinegar – Clears dandruff and balances pH
  • Yucca root – Anti-inflammatory benefits
  • Shea – Moisturizes
  •  Lemongrass – natural antibacterial and antifungal properties 
  • Cedarwood – Healthy and shiny skin with a relaxing effect. It’s great for flea protection.

 Avoid Harsh Ingredients!

Check for the following ingredients in the dog shampoos as they are big NOs;

  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) – can cause skin irritation and dryness
  • Phenoxyethanol –  used as a preservative in many products but may be toxic to dogs
  • Artificial fragrances – May be toxic as they are derived from petroleum. They may cause allergic reactions
  • Sulfates – can strip natural oils from their skin
  • Parabens – are preservatives that can also irritate your dog’s skin.
  • Phthalates – are plasticizers that can leach into your dog’s system and may cause health problems.
  • Triclosan – can interfere thyroid hormone metabolism and maybe a potential endocrine disruptor. It’s banned in several countries.
  • Formaldehyde – still used in many dog shampoos as a preservative, but often not listed on the label. Formaldehyde is so toxic, it has been linked to allergies and skin sensitivities and cancer in animals.

Words from the Wise

Always choose a shampoo that is not only good for your dog’s skin but also for his overall health. Dogs have sensitive skin that needs to be taken care of in the gentlest, healthiest way possible. It’s up to you to choose wisely when deciding on which is the best shampoo for dogs with skin conditions. Consider investing in 100% natural grooming products rather than wasting money on harsh chemicals that could lead you to the veterinarian’s clinic with continued use.

Below is a link to what PawPurity has to offer if you are interested in 100% natural shampoos.

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