My Dog’s Nose is Dry – What Should I Do?

Dog image face upwards shown in pawpurity blog

A dog with a dry nose typically may be healed with minimal treatment. First, let’s discuss what a dry nose in dogs means. A dry nose in dogs is not necessarily an indication of illness. Dogs’ noses can be dry for various reasons, including changes in temperature, humidity, or even just the time of day. However, a persistently dry nose in dogs can be caused by underlying health issues.

Reasons Why Your Dog’s Nose Is Dry

Some of the health issues that can cause dogs to have dry noses include:

Black dog zoomed in face image

1.    Dehydration

If your dog is not drinking enough water, it may become dehydrated, which can lead to dogs’ dry noses. Dehydration can occur due to a variety of reasons, including illness, overheating, or excessive exercise. If you suspect that your dog may be dehydrated, provide them with water immediately and monitor its behavior.

2.    Allergies

Dogs can be allergic to a variety of things, including food, chemical-based shampoo, pollen, and dust. Allergies can cause inflammation, which can lead to a dry nose in dogs. If you suspect that your dog may be suffering from allergies, do your own experimenting and start with changing the food and shampoo. If this works, you are Scott-free. Also if you are sneezing and wheezing because of the pollen and dust, it just may be a seasonal issue that will pass when the seasons change. You may want to ask your vet about over-the-counter allergy medications that humans also take for allergies. However, if the allergies persist, get your pooch examined.

3.    Infection

A dry nose in dogs can also be a sign of infection. If your dog’s nose is cracked, red, and has a discharge, it may be infected. Infections occur due to a variety of reasons, including bacteria, viruses, or fungi. PawPurity offers Nose Saver an easy-to-apply application containing antibacterial, antiseptic, and antifungal ingredients, which may be a good first step to see if the issue has an easy fix. However, if you suspect that your dog may have more than a minor infection, a visit to the veterinarian may be necessary.

4.    Sunburn

Sunburn can indeed be a cause of dry noses in dogs. The skin on a dog’s nose is particularly sensitive to sunlight. Furthermore, prolonged exposure to the sun can cause the skin to become dry, cracked, and uncomfortable. When a dog’s nose becomes sunburned, the skin can become dehydrated and lose its natural moisture. This can lead to dryness, flaking, and even cracking of the skin.

To prevent sunburn and dry noses, it’s important to limit your pup’s exposure to the sun, especially during the hottest parts of the day. This can be achieved by providing shade or keeping them indoors during peak sun hours, as well as using pet-friendly sunscreen on exposed areas like noses and inner ear flaps.

Funny dog picture taking selfie with zoomed in nose

5.    Aging

As a dog ages, the nose tends to become dry due to a decrease in natural oils. This is a normal part of the aging process and is not usually a cause for concern. For the most part, it is uncomfortable but not dangerous. However, if you notice other changes in your dog’s behavior or health, consider consulting with your veterinarian.

If your dog’s dry nose is accompanied by other symptoms, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or vomiting, take them to the vet immediately.

6.    Lack of Nutrition

If your dog isn’t getting enough nutrition through his diet, then his nose may become dry and cracked due to a lack of vitamins and minerals. The vitamins found in food sources like fish oil and salmon oil have healthy fats that help keep noses moist. Similarly, an unbalanced diet could also lead to dehydration which reduces the amount of moisture in the body leading to a dry and/or cracked nose.

What to Do

Image of cat, dog and two PawPurity Nose Saver Products

If your dog’s dry nose is not accompanied by any other symptoms, there are a few things you can do to help alleviate the dryness.

  • First, make sure that your dog has access to plenty of water. Dehydration is a common cause of dry noses, so ensuring that your dog is adequately hydrated can help to alleviate the dryness.
  • Second, you can use a humidifier in your home to increase the humidity levels. This can help to alleviate the dryness of your dog’s nose and also has other health benefits for both you and your furry friend.
  • Third, use PawPurity Nose Saver, which repairs, provides sun protection, and repels insects from your dog’s nose. Its ingredients are 100% organic and include Aloe Vera Oil. Grapeseed Oil. Babassu Oil. Broccoli Seed Oil. Lemon Balm. Vegetable Glycerin. Coconut Oil. Sweet Almond Oil. Shea Nut Oil. Vitamin C. Vitamin E. Colloidal Silver. Beeswax. This Nose Saver is known to take care of the issue almost immediately.

Wrap Up

A dry or cracked nose in dogs can be caused by multiple factors like environment, allergies, skin conditions, and lack of nutrition. Pay attention to these signs to ensure your pup stays healthy and happy. If symptoms worsen, then a visit to your vet may be necessary. With proper care, your pup will soon have its soft snout back.

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