Lisa Porter

Dogs image in blog
Dog Health

Sarcoptic Mange on Dogs – All You Need to Know About Scabies on Dogs

by Lisa Porter on May 10 2023

If your dog is excessively scratching, it could be a sign of something more serious than normal canine behavior. One of the most common skin conditions experienced by dogs is caused by mites and is known as Sarcoptic mange.

Sarcoptic Mange, commonly known as scabies, is an extremely contagious skin affliction that affects dogs of all ages. This infestation is caused by a small mite called Sarcoptes scabiei, and is potentially very dangerous to the animal if left untreated. Symptoms of this condition include severe itching, inflammation, and poor coat condition. It is usually transmitted from other animals, such as cats, foxes, and wild animals but can even spread through contact with humans.

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Black and white dog in PawPurity Blog post
Dog Health

Different Forms of Mange on Dogs – What You Need to Know

by Lisa Porter on May 05 2023

Many pet owners may be all too familiar with the discomfort of mange on their dog. Mange is a skin condition caused by mites that can cause hair loss, extreme itchiness for the dog, and redness on parts of the skin. To understand how best to address mange on your pet, it is important to know about the two different types of mange: sarcoptic and demodectic.

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Sick dog with paramedics
Dog Health

Toxic Essential Oils for Dogs

by Lisa Porter on May 01 2023

Toxic essential oils for dogs can be a serious hazard to your pet’s health and well-being. These types of oils can be found in a variety of products, from flea and tick treatments to shampoos and even household cleaners. Knowing which essential oils are toxic to dogs and how to use them safely is essential for keeping your pet healthy. In this blog post, we’ll explore the different types of toxic essential oils for dogs, their effects, and how to use them safely.

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Cat sleeping
Cat Health & Care

Don’t Put These Essential Oils Near Your Cats!

by Lisa Porter on May 01 2023

It’s important to be aware of the potential risks when using essential oils around your cats. Essential oils can be beneficial for humans, but they can also be dangerous and even toxic for cats. That’s why it’s essential to know which essential oils are toxic for cats, so you can keep them safe from accidental poisoning. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the toxic essential oils for cats and how to keep them away from your furry friends.

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Gray cat cozy in bed
Flea & Tick Protection

How to Get Rid of Fleas on Cats – Safest Flea Treatments

by Lisa Porter on Apr 18 2023

When it comes to fleas on cats, it can be a real nightmare for cat owners. Fleas can cause serious health problems for cats, such as skin irritation, anemia, and even tapeworms. Therefore, it’s important to get rid of fleas quickly and safely. Fortunately, there are a variety of treatments for fleas in cats that can help you manage the problem and keep your cat healthy and comfortable. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the safest flea treatments for cats, so you can keep your feline friend happy and flea-free.

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Dog featured image in pawpurity blog
Dog Health

Hot Spots on Dogs – Causes, Symptoms & Prevention

by Lisa Porter on Apr 16 2023

Hot spots, also known as acute moist dermatitis, are painful and itchy skin lesions that commonly affect dogs. They can be caused by any number of things, ranging from allergies to insect bites or even skin infections. If your dog is showing signs of hot spots, it’s important to know what they are, what causes them, how to treat them, and how to prevent them in the future. Let’s take a closer look at hot spots on dogs.

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Dog image face upwards shown in pawpurity blog
Nose Care for Dogs & Cats

My Dog’s Nose is Dry – What Should I Do?

by Lisa Porter on Apr 15 2023

A dog with a dry nose typically may be healed with minimal treatment. First, let’s discuss what a dry nose in dogs means. A dry nose in dogs is not necessarily an indication of illness. Dogs’ noses can be dry for various reasons, including changes in temperature, humidity, or even just the time of day. However, a persistently dry nose in dogs can be caused by underlying health issues.

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A dog with a vet
Flea & Tick Protection

How Does Flea Medicine Work? The Science Behind Keeping Your Pet Pest-Free

by Lisa Porter on Apr 12 2023

Have you ever wondered how flea medicine works? Flea medicines are a tool for keeping your pet pest-free. But, it can be difficult to understand the science behind them. In this blog post, we will take a look at flea medicine and how it works. We also will explore some of the different types of flea medicines available so you can make an informed decision about which one is right for your pet.

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Aloe vera image - PawPurity Blog
Dog Health

Aloe Vera for Dogs – Why It’s Such a Potent Ingredient

by Lisa Porter on Apr 07 2023

Are you looking for a natural way to care for your dog’s skin and coat? Shampoos and sprays that have specific types of aloe vera for dogs is the answer. From soothing dry, itchy skin to helping heal wounds, aloe vera can provide numerous benefits for your pup. But not all aloe vera is created equal and some should never be used on your dog.

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