ticks on dogs

Dog scratching from tick bites.
Flea & Tick Protection

Natural Tick Sprays: Harness The Power of Nature

by Lisa Porter on Jul 25 2023

In recent times, the demand for chemical-free natural tick prevention has surged, and this trend has extended to insect repellent sprays. Among the many pests that threaten our outdoor adventures, ticks have gained notoriety because of their ability to transmit diseases. In response to the growing concern for harmful chemicals in traditional insect repellents, researchers have turned to nature’s own remedies to craft 100% natural tick sprays. Let’s take a look at what PawPurity includes the following ingredients in its flea and tick spray and spray and how each component contributes to its effectiveness.

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Woman taking a tick off her dog which could have been prevented by using tick sprays for dogs
Flea & Tick Protection, Uncategorized

Are Tick Sprays Safe For Dogs

by Lisa Porter on Jul 18 2023

Tick sprays can be safe for dogs if used according to the manufacturer’s instructions. However, it’s essential to choose a tick spray specifically formulated or indicates on the label that it is safe for dogs, as some sprays intended for other animals or humans may contain ingredients that can be toxic to our best friends. Prevention is key, as diseases from ticks may be dangerous to your dog.

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Little girl sits with her dog included in a blog about tick prevention
Flea & Tick Protection, Uncategorized

Tick Protection

by Lisa Porter on Jul 07 2023

Tick protection is essential during warmer temperatures. Tick bites can be dangerous to dogs and cats due to the potential transmission of diseases. They can carry and transmit dangerous pathogens such as Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, and babesiosis. These diseases can cause a range of symptoms, including fever, lethargy, joint pain, loss of appetite, and more severe complications if left untreated. Protecting your pets from tick bites is crucial to their overall health and well-being. This means using everything in your tool box to keep the little buggers from latching onto your furbaby. Natural tick shampoos and sprays, lyme disease vaccinations and good housekeeping are essential. Here are some ideas you can follow to for ultimate tick protection.

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Flea & Tick Protection, Skin, Coat & Paw Care

Tick Spray for Dogs and Humans

by Lisa Porter on Dec 27 2022

Are you familiar with the feeling of being out and about, only to be suddenly attacked by pesky ticks? It’s an experience no one wants to have—unwelcome blood-sucking parasites that can cause severe illness for humans and pets alike.

For humans, we can see them. But for our loved four-legged friends, ticks are most likely hidden by their coats making removing them tough.

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Flea & Tick Protection, Skin, Coat & Paw Care

Are Ticks Dangerous For Dogs?

by Lisa Porter on Dec 03 2022

Dogs are susceptible to tick bites. The effects of those bites can be extremely dangerous. Ticks carry a variety of diseases, some of which are deadly to dogs. Therefore, it is important for dog owners to be aware of the dangers that ticks pose to their pets and take steps to protect them from these dangerous critters. In this blog post, we will discuss the risks that ticks pose to dogs and outline steps that dog owners can take to protect their pets from these parasites.

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