How to Prepare Your Cat’s Skin for Winter

As winter nears, it’s important to start preparing your cat’s skin for the colder weather. The frigid temperatures and dry air can be harsh on your furry friend’s delicate skin, so just by taking a few simple steps you can help keep them comfortable and healthy all season long. Keep reading to learn more!

Cat walking in snow that just got a bath using PawPurity Intensive Nourishing Shampoo

Cold Weather and Your Cat’s Skin

When the weather outside is frightful, that doesn’t just mean it’s uncomfortable for us humans. Our feline friends can suffer from the cold weather, too – and one area that is particularly vulnerable is their skin.

While a cat’s fur coat does provide some insulation against the cold, its skin is still exposed in areas where the hair is thinner, like the tips of its ears or its paw pads. And because cats groom themselves frequently, they can actually end up ingesting some of the harsh chemicals found in de-icing products or antifreeze, which can be toxic.

Why It’s Important to Prepare Your Cat’s Skin for Winter

During the winter months, your cat’s skin can become dry and irritated. In addition, the cold weather and low humidity levels can strip away natural oils, leaving the skin unprotected. To help prevent this, it’s important to take some steps to prepare your cat’s skin for winter. 

Regular grooming will remove dead skin cells and promote circulation. A humidifier in your home to add moisture to the air. Keep your cat hydrated by providing fresh, clean water at all times. Finally, follow the below tips to keep your cat protected in winter. 

Tips for Cat Grooming in Winters 

  • Keep your cat indoors

While cats are known for being independent creatures, they are not equipped to handle the cold weather like we are. Therefore, it is essential to keep them indoors in winter to protect them from frostbite and hypothermia. 

Frostbite can occur when a cat’s body temperature drops below 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Hypothermia happens when the body temperature drops to 86 degrees Fahrenheit or below. Symptoms of both frostbite and hypothermia include shivering, weakness, lethargy, and confusion. If you suspect that your cat is suffering from either of these conditions, take them to the vet immediately.

  • Choose the right bathing products

One of the best things you can do for your cat’s winter skin is to switch to a shampoo and conditioner specifically designed for dry skin. Just make sure to avoid any that contain harsh chemicals or fragrances, as these can further irritate your cat’s skin.

In addition to using specially formulated Natural Shampoos and conditioners, you should also consider adding a little olive oil or coconut oil to your cat’s food. This will help their skin stay hydrated from the inside out.

PawPurity Intensive Nourishing Shampoo for Cats fosters maximum skin and coat health on cats
  • Schedule winter grooming routine for your cat

Although cats are known for their grooming habits, the colder winter months can make it hard for them to keep up with their routine. Here are a few tips to help your cat stay clean and healthy during the winter:

  1. Invest in a good quality brush – A good brush will help remove any dead hair and help distribute natural oils throughout your cat’s coat.
  2. Bathe your cat less often – While you may be tempted to bathe your kitty more in the winter, doing so can strip away its natural oils and cause dry skin. Once every few weeks should suffice.
  3. Use a humidifier – The dry air of winter can be tough on your cat’s skin and coat. Using a humidifier in your home will help add some much-needed moisture back into the air.
  • Winter diet for cats 

Many people think cats don’t need to change their diet in the winter, but that’s not true! Like humans, cats can benefit from a few tweaks to their diet when the weather gets colder. Here are a few tips for creating a winter diet for your cat:

  1. Make sure they’re getting enough protein. In the winter, cats burn more energy to keep warm so they need a little extra protein in their diet to help maintain their weight and muscle mass. You can add a bit of canned tuna or chicken to the regular food or give them some high-quality cat treats packed with protein.
  2. Add some fat to their diet. A little bit of fat will help your cat stay warm in the winter and provide them with extra energy.
  3. Increase their intake of wet food. Canned food is packed with moisture and nutrients that will help keep your kitty hydrated and healthy during the winter months.
  4. Ensure they’re getting enough vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential for bone health. Cats can get it from eating fish or taking a supplement.

Bundle Up

In conclusion, follow these tips to help your cat’s skin withstand the winter weather: increase their omega-3 fatty acids, use a humidifier in your home, use a natural shampoo to keep their skin and coat healthy and groom them regularly. Doing these things will help your cat’s skin stay healthy and hydrated all winter.

Stay safe, Keep safe!

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