Pugs Health Problems

pug dog
Dog Health, Pugs Health Problems

Why Do Pugs Tend to Get Hot Spots?

by Lisa Porter on Jun 27 2023

In the whimsical world of pugs, where charm meets wrinkles, a fiery enigma burns beneath their furry façade: hot spots. These seemingly spontaneous patches of irritated skin have long puzzled both pet owners and veterinarians alike. With their lovable nature and endearing appearance, pugs have captured the hearts of many, but their propensity for developing hot spots has sparked curiosity and concern in the pug-loving community. Read on while we unravel the secrets behind why pugs are more prone to hot spots, delving into the intriguing connections between their unique physiology, playful behavior, and environmental factors. So let’s find out why do pugs tend to get hot spots in the first place and what to do about them.

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Pug health problems
Pugs Health Problems

10 Common Pug Health Problems You Need to Be Aware of 

by Lisa Porter on Feb 21 2023

Pugs are known for being some of the most delightful and affectionate breeds of dogs. However, due to their flat faces and big eyes, pugs can be prone to certain health issues. In this blog post, we’ll discuss ten common pug health problems and how to fix them. Whether you already own a pug or you’re thinking of getting one, it’s important to be aware of these pug health issues so that you can spot the signs early on and take the necessary steps to ensure your pup stays healthy and happy.

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