About Us

Makers Of Naturally Top Grade Pet Products
PawPurity® is the result of many years of working to make the lives of pets and their owners better, safer, healthier and easier. Our work in the pet world began many years ago. In 2007, we launched Pet Hotels of America, (now known as Vacation Pet Friendly). This online company was designed to help people travel with pets. Here, pet owners book pet friendly hotels, find dog parks and beaches, learn about what attractions were open to pets, locate pet friendly restaurants and find veterinarians in every US city.

PawPurity Sets The Bar Higher
As our three rescued dogs and adopted cat began having issues over the years, we started questioning how we were caring for them. It became evident that what they were eating as a routine diet, ingesting to ward off ticks and fleas, being bathed in, the ingredients used to remove their tear stains and other concerns were often harmful. As a nation, some of the food from China was found tainted, killing many of our pets. We had no idea what chemicals and poisons foreign manufacturers were putting in our pets’ toys, care products, food, treats, flea and tick repellents and just about everything else we were giving these special family members. Furthermore, we found there was a lack of supportive equipment and products on the market made specifically for senior dogs, whom hold a special place in the hearts of the PawPurity® team.

PawPurity’s Promise
The pet world needed a change. We began researching, testing and developing products that were food based. We started designing support systems to help senior dogs lead a normal life, some of which are still in the testing phases. We made a promise to ourselves and pet owners to set the bar higher so our dogs stay safe, healthy and happy. PawPurity® is determined to produce only top quality, naturally made products packaged in eco-friendly materials. We are proud to say that our products are made and packaged in the USA. This is why PawPurity® is a step above the rest. If you are as adamant about ensuring the health, comfort and longevity of your pets as we are, we welcome you to our PawPurity family. Together, we’ll make sure your pets get only the best.
Learn more about our products
Biogreen Enriched Shampoo For Dogs & Cats
Flea & Tick Shampoo For Dogs & Cats
Intensive Nourishing Shampoo For Dogs & Cats
Tear Stain Remover Powder for Dogs & Cats

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