PawPurity: All-Natural Pet Care

UC Study Discovers Deadly Chemical in 34 Flea & Tick Pet Products

Flea and tick prevention pet products are commonly available over the counter, but a recent study found that many of these contain dangerous levels of the chemical TCVP. Researchers from the University of California analyzed 34 popular over-the-counter flea and tick preventatives and found that all of them contained levels of TCVP that could be potentially lethal to dogs. 

Flea and tick prevention pet products containing the chemical Tetrachlorvinphos, also known as TCVP, are being sold in stores across the country. But what many pet owners don’t know is that TCVP is a dangerous pesticide that can cause serious health problems in animals. In fact, the EPA has classified TCVP as a “restricted-use” pesticide, which means certified applicators can only use it. The EPA has classified TCVP as a level 3 (high) toxicity for dogs and cats.

If you’re using any type of flea or tick prevention product on your pet, read the label carefully to ensure it doesn’t contain TCVP. It’s time to learn more about this deadly chemical that can be very harmful to your little four-legged babies. So keep on reading to learn more!

Beware of what’s in your flea & tick prevention treatments

What is TCVP?

TCVP, or tetrachlorvinphos, is a broad-spectrum organophosphate insecticide that was once widely used in household pest control products. However, due to its high toxicity to mammals and birds, TCVP has been phased out of production in many countries. While it is still used in some parts of the world, TCVP should be avoided if possible.

What Makes TCVP Dangerous to Pets?

TCVP works by disrupting the nervous system of insects, causing them to become paralyzed and eventually die. However, this same mode of action also makes TCVP highly toxic to mammals. Studies have shown that exposure to high levels of TCVP can cause neurological damage in humans and is also lethal to dogs and cats. Ingestion of even small amounts of TCVP can cause pets to have vomiting, diarrhea, muscle tremors, and seizures. In severe cases, TCVP poisoning can lead to respiratory failure and death.

What to Do if Your Pet Has Been Exposed

This pesticide can be highly toxic to animals, and even small doses can cause serious health problems. If your pet is experiencing any symptoms, such as vomiting or seizures, it is important to bring them to the vet immediately. Your veterinarian will be able to provide you with specific instructions on how to care for your pet and what steps to take next. In some cases, exposure to TCVP can be fatal, so it is important to seek professional medical help as soon as possible.

There is no specific antidote for TCVP poisoning, but aggressive supportive care can be lifesaving. With prompt treatment, most pets recover from mild exposure with no lasting effects. However, severe or prolonged exposure can cause permanent neurological damage or death. To avoid risks to your pet’s health, always choose pet-safe pest control products and store them securely out of reach of children.

How to Spot a Product That Contains TCVP

There are a few things you can look for when trying to spot a pet product that contains TCVP. 

How to Find Safe Flea and Tick Prevention Products? 

With warm weather comes the increased risk of flea and tick infestations for our furry friends. Unfortunately, these pesky pests can not only make your pet uncomfortable, but they can also transmit dangerous diseases. The good news is, fleas are more prevalent in warmer weather. Ticks on the other hand are a year-round problem. Even during the coldest winter months, ticks may move around slower, but they’re still just waiting for the right moment to appear and latch onto your furbaby.

Fortunately, there are several effective fleas and tick prevention products on the market. However, it’s important to be discriminate when selecting a product, as some contain harmful chemicals. Here are a few tips for finding safe and effective flea and tick prevention products for your pet:

The Takeaway

The FDA has warned pet parents to stop using flea and tick prevention products containing the deadly TCVP chemical. If you have any of these products in your home, please discard them immediately. Many safe and effective options are available to protect your pets from fleas and ticks, so there is no need to take unnecessary risks with their health. Try using PawPurity’s All-Natural Flea and Tick Treatment options. 

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