PawPurity: All-Natural Pet Care

No See Ums – The Pest You Can’t See Coming!

No see ums - PawPurity Blog

No see ums are a type of small, pesky insect that can quickly become a nuisance to homeowners and pet owners alike. These tiny, biting insects may be hard to see with the naked eye, but no see ums bites can be highly irritating, making them a serious problem. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what no-see-ums are, where they come from, and how to prevent them from taking over your home or yard. Keep reading to find out more about no see ums and how to keep them away from your pets and your family.

What Are No See Ums?

No see ums, or Ceratopogonidae, are tiny biting flies that measure 1-3 millimeters in length and can be found near fresh or stagnant bodies of water. The larvae feed on organic matter in the soil and water, while the adults feed on the blood of birds and mammals. They are most active in the early morning and late afternoon. No-see ums can be difficult to spot, as their size is often smaller than a grain of salt, but they can be distinguished from other flying pests by their striped or spotted wings and long legs.

No-see ums bites can be extremely painful and can cause intense itching. These flies are most likely to bite around the ankles, hands, and ears of both cats and dogs. Although not dangerous, no see ums bites can be very irritating and may require topical ointments to reduce swelling and itching.

Where Do They Live?

No see, ums are found in many places around the world. In the United States, no-see-ums can often be found in areas of the south and east coast, where humid temperatures create the ideal environment for these tiny pests. They are often found near freshwater sources, such as ponds, lakes, and marshes. No-see ums can also be found in forests, grassy areas, the deserts of Nevada and Arizona, and even in your backyard.

No-see ums can be particularly annoying when they enter your home, often through open windows and doors. Once inside, they will hide in crevices and cracks and make their way to areas of the home that provide food and shelter. It is possible to find them in carpets, furniture, and clothing, as well as other fabrics throughout the house.

The best way to get rid of no-see-ums is to eliminate any potential entry points for them. This means sealing up cracks around windows and doors with weather stripping and caulking, as well as installing window screens or mosquito netting.

No See Ums Bites – Are They Serious?

No see ums bites can cause red, itchy welts on your pet’s skin and can even lead to secondary infections if not treated properly. Unfortunately, no-see-ums can spread diseases such as flea-borne typhus and even encephalitis, so it’s important to take their bites seriously.

If your pet has been bitten by a no-see-um, you’ll want to take steps to reduce the itching and irritation. Applying a cold compress or oatmeal bath can help soothe the affected area. You may also want to use an insect repellent and an anti-itch medication.

How to Get Rid of No See Ums’ Bites

When it comes to dealing with pesky no-see-ums’ bites, it can be a daunting task. Thankfully, there are ways to keep your pet safe from these tiny biting bugs.

Keep the Area Around the Pet Clean:

The first step to getting rid of no-see-ums is to ensure that you keep the area around your pet’s sleeping space clean and free of clutter. Vacuum often and keep the area clear of any food or water bowls. This will make it less likely for the no-see-ums to find a place to hide and lay their eggs.

Use Bug Sprays:

In addition to keeping the area clean, you may want to consider using bug sprays and a repelling shampoo to prevent these pests from making your pet their host. There are many commercial sprays available that contain natural ingredients like peppermint, pine, sweet birch, tea tree, wintergreen, and ylang ylang that ward off no see ums, however, Paw Purity does NOT recommend using sprays or shampoos with these essential oils as they are toxic to dogs and cats. And, essential oils should never be applied directly to an animal’s skin without proper dilution. PawPurity offers a variety of organic flea and tick prevention products.

Use Fly Nets:

Another way to get rid of no-see-ums is to create a barrier between your pet and the bugs. One way to do this is to use fly nets, which can be purchased at most pet stores. These nets are placed over the sleeping area of your pet and should have tight mesh to keep out all types of bugs.

Find Possible Treatments:

Finally, if you find that the no-see-ums are still bothering your pet, you may need to talk to your veterinarian about more advanced possible treatments. There are some medications available that can help reduce the number of no-see-ums that your pet is exposed to. Your veterinarian may also recommend that you give your pet supplements or other remedies to help prevent them from being bitten by the bugs.

No See Ums Prevention

No see ums can be a nuisance to your pet, and taking preventative measures is the best way to avoid them. Here are some tips on how to get rid of no-see-ums:

Following these tips should help you get rid of no-see-ums and keep them away from your pet.

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