PawPurity: All-Natural Pet Care

How to Care for A Newborn Kitten – The Essentials

How to care for a newborn kitten?

Caring for a newborn kitten can be a rewarding yet challenging experience. It requires dedication, patience, and knowledge of the special needs of these vulnerable tiny creatures. A kitten’s immune system is not fully developed until it reaches 12 months of age, which makes it critical for you to provide proper care, from giving your little one a warm and safe environment to understanding its nutritional and health needs.

In this blog post, we will cover the essentials of caring for a newborn kitten so that you can give it the best start in life.

The Importance of Caring for a Newborn Kitten

Caring for a newborn kitten is an incredibly important responsibility that should not be taken lightly. A young kitten has underdeveloped organs and systems and is prone to many health risks such as dehydration, hypothermia, congenital disabilities, and infections. Therefore, they require special care to survive, thrive and become healthy adult cats. Newborn kittens should also be monitored regularly for signs of health problems such as fever or excessive vomiting, or diarrhea.

Proper nutrition, a safe and secure environment, and lots of love and attention are essential for your little furball. Without these basic needs, it could face serious health problems that can be life-threatening. Newborn kitten care also ensures the cat receives the necessary vaccinations to protect them from diseases. A veterinarian can provide advice on the right course of action when it comes to immunization.

1.  Feeding a Newborn Kitten

Feeding a newborn kitten is an important task that must be done with caution and diligence, as the wrong kind can cause health problems and other complications. If you notice your newborn kitten has any kind of skin issues, allergies, or behaviors out of the ordinary, consult your veterinarian for a recommendation of what kind of food would be best for your little one. 

While mother’s milk is optimal, dry or wet kitten formula can also be used in certain situations. However, never feed your kitten or animal cow’s milk; this can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and other negative responses in cats.

When bottle-feeding your kitten, the technique is important. The bottle should be given at around a 45-degree angle, so it does not inhale too much air while feeding. Hold the bottle firmly and prevent the teat from collapsing, leading to increased aspiration of the liquid in their lungs and stomachs. Nourishing a young cat properly is essential for their healthy growth – with proper guidance from your vet, feeding a newborn kitten doesn’t have to be so daunting!

What Food Can You Give Your Kitten Besides Milk?

When introducing a new diet to newborn kittens, it is essential to include small amounts of nutrient-dense foods that provide the components for growth and development. For example, try lightly cooked egg yolks, mashed-up pureed meats such as chicken or beef, and mashed fruit or vegetables. It is important to introduce these items gradually and in small portions since kittens and digestive systems are still immature.

Kittens can be hesitant to transition away from milk, so additional laxatives, such as subcutaneous fluids, may be required if needed. However, with the right tools, your newborn kitten will have no shortage of safe foods to eat while adapting to his/her new environment!

How Often Should You Feed Your Kitten?

Kittens should be fed three to four times a day, depending on their age. Up to the age of six months, kittens should have unlimited access to dry kitten food throughout the day. Supplementing this diet with some wet kitten food can provide extra balanced nutrition and help keep the kitten hydrated. As they approach six months, you can start transitioning your kitten to two meals daily.

Older cats between one and seven years old can benefit from eating two meals a day. However, for cats older than seven, one meal per day is ideal, as overeating can put an undue strain on their aging digestive system. Ultimately consulting your veterinarian for more detailed advice about your specific kitten’s nutritional needs will ensure that it receives the best possible diet and healthcare.

2.  Grooming Routine

To ensure your little one stays healthy, it’s important to know how to groom it properly. A newborn kitten requires special care, as its delicate skin needs extra attention. Here’s a guide on the best ways to groom your new family member.

●    Brush the fur daily

You can use a soft brush designed for cats or a baby brush designed for infants. Start by gently brushing the fur against the grain and then move to brush in the direction the fur grows. You should avoid using a flea comb on a newborn as this could irritate its delicate skin.

●    Bathing a newborn kitten

Bathing your newborn kitten should be done no more than once every few weeks, as its fur and skin are still developing. When you do bathe it, use warm water and a mild, kitten-safe shampoo. Make sure you keep its head above the water and never submerge the kitty completely. Rinse thoroughly and wrap it in a towel to help keep it warm.

●    Trim the nails

Trimming your newborn kitten’s nails should be done every few weeks, especially if they scratch often. Use cat-specific clippers, and ensure you cut only the tips of the nails to avoid cutting too close to the quick. If you accidentally cut into the quick, apply pressure to stop bleeding. To care for their delicate paws, try using PawPurity healing paw balms.

●    Clean the ears

The ears of newborn kittens need to be cleaned regularly. You can use an ear-cleaning solution, or a wet cotton ball dipped in warm water to clean the inside of the ear. Avoid using Q-Tips or cotton swabs, as these can cause injury to their delicate ears.

Grooming your newborn kitten is a vital part of taking care of them. Following these steps can help ensure that your newborn kitten grows up healthy and happy!

3.  Monitor Kitten’s Health Regularly

Monitoring the health of a newborn kitten is essential. Here are a few things you should look out for when caring for a newborn kitten:

 It is normal for a newborn kitten to have a body temperature lower than normal cats. Using a thermometer, measure the kitten’s temperature every few hours to make sure it is between 99-102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. If it is lower than 99, consult your vet immediately.

Newborn kittens should gain 5-10% of their body weight daily. First, weigh the kitten using a baby or pet scale, then compare it with the birth weight. If the kitten does not reach the expected weight, supplement with formula. If that does not increase its weight, consider consulting your vet.

Make sure the kitten is properly hydrated by checking its gums; they should be wet, not dry. If they are dry, give them some extra fluids and watch for any signs of dehydration.

Check the eyes, ears, mouth, and nose for any signs of infection or illness. The eyes should be clean, without any discharge. The ears should be free of dirt and mites. The mouth should not have sores or lesions, and the nose should be free of mucus or discharge.

Monitor how often the kitten uses its litter box and that the feces appears normal in size, color, and consistency.

Finally, it’s important to remember that flea and tick prevention is essential in newborn kitten care. It can be especially difficult to detect fleas on such small animals, so you’ll want to ensure you’re proactive about keeping them away. Regular baths with repelling flea shampoo and being cautious about other pets introducing fleas into your household are the best preventive care you can provide.  

4.  Keep Your Newborn Kitty Warm and Cozy

When it comes to newborn kitten care, providing a warm and safe space is essential. Newborn kittens need a spot to rest and sleep, as well as to explore and play. Choose a safe and secure area of your home that is warm and comfortable. You can use a cardboard box, plastic bin, or pet bed with a comfortable blanket. Make sure the area is free from any hazardous materials, such as cords, loose wires, and dangerous objects.

Put your newborn kitten’s bed in an area that is not easily disturbed, such as a corner or closet. If you have other pets in the house, keep the newborn kitten in a separate space until it is accustomed to its new family and can fend for itself. Newborn cats are more vulnerable and susceptible to injury.

How to hold a newborn kitten

When holding a newborn kitten, the most important thing to keep in mind is safety. Make sure to provide a calm and safe environment for it. Place your hands on either side of its body, supporting the chest and bum while cradled beneath your elbows. Your fingernails should not be showing, as newborns are incredibly fragile.

Wrap a towel or blanket around it to keep it warm. When feeding, use a specialized bottle designed for kittens or syringe feed in an upright position with the neck supported by cradling it in the crook of your elbow. 

How to Care for a Sick Newborn Kitten

If your newborn kitten is not feeling well, it is important to take the necessary steps to help it feel better as soon as possible.

First, look for signs of distress. This can include a lack of appetite, coughing, sneezing, eye or nasal discharge, vomiting, and/or diarrhea. If you observe any of these symptoms, contact your veterinarian right away.

When caring for a sick newborn kitten, it is important to create a warm, comfortable, and draft-free environment. Make sure to provide plenty of soft bedding. Make sure your kitten’s temperature does not drop below 98 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also provide extra heat sources such as heating pads or hot water bottles.

In terms of feeding, offer small amounts of food every two hours until your kitten regains its appetite. If your newborn refuses to eat solid food, try offering a mixture of kitten formula and warm water. Make sure to feed the baby kitten slowly and gently using a syringe.

It is also important to keep your new family member hydrated. Offer plenty of fresh, clean water and electrolyte solutions. Monitor hydration levels by observing the color and amount of its urine.

Finally, monitor its overall health closely. Take note of any changes in behavior, temperature, or hydration levels. If you notice any further distress in your newborn kitten, contact your veterinarian. With proper care and attention, your kitten should be feeling better soon.


Newborn kittens are so adorable, but they require a lot of care. Be sure you have everything you need before bringing home your new bundle of joy. With the proper supplies and knowledge, you will be able to care for your kitten properly and ensure a happy, healthy life. Thanks for reading!

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